
Sermons to the Serpent's Servants Vol. I: Mesocosm
Philosophical Implications of Luciferian Gnosis
by Jeremy Christner
Vol. I: Mesocosm is a deep dive into theory, simultaneously an analytic look at the problems of philosophy from the vantage of a Luciferian Gnostic, and a meditation on the implications of Luciferian Gnosis from a philosopher's perspective. The threaded essays contained in this book cover various insights including the question of the existence and nature of God; the quality of Lucifer; epistemology in Gnosticism; Gnosticism as an Existentialist cosmology; the redundancy of Jesus Christ; the value of negativity in the arts and of blasphemy in practice; the definition of the self and the scope of one's sphere of influence as a measure of existence; and more.
Sermons to the Serpent's Servants Vol. I: Mesocosm is a mature evolution of the narrative woven by Jeremy Christner in his previous works, Kosmology and Lanterns of Wisdom From the Firmament. The author reveals his ideas and insights from a more contemplative perspective, employing a pragmatic approach and taking you on his personal journey of discovering and re-evaluating his own views on religion, ethics, Gnosticism and Luciferian-Satanism, and some of the more commonly pondered philosophical questions.
A worthy addition to the library of the Gnostic, the Luciferian, the philosopher, or the curious collector of ideas.
From Aeon Sophia Press:
Linen bound hardcover
Deluxe brown leather hardcover
From Lux Ferous Press:
Leatherette softcover w/gold foil

by Radiatus
Voidlight is a work of Gnostic philosophy which examines the theme of Distance in Gnostic cosmogony as well as in the inspired literature of Blake and Wordsworth. Following an exegesis on Gnostic cosmogony with a particular emphasis on the notion of alienation, the text explores the element of metaphysical Distance in the literary works of William Wordsworth and William Blake, and seeks to illuminate the hidden significance of this element within said texts.
Available Now

Order of the Skeleton Key
by Jeremy Christner
Consisting of the Gnostic texts, Kosmology, and Lanterns of Wisdom From the Firmament, both texts in their entirety with multiple heretofore unreleased chapters included. Released in two editions, each limited to 100 hand-numbered copies.
Podium Edition Available Now
The Podium Edition is a deluxe hardcover edition bound in black leatherette with title stamped on the cover and spine in silver foil, with black endpapers and a black ribbon bookmark adhered in the spine's construction - a truly beautiful and display-worthy edition.
Edition Sold Out

by Jeremy Christner
I speak to you of darkness, of night. I beckon you to be consumed, astounded and swayed by its rhetoric. Hear its words, see its formless face, and know that the gate through which you now must pass is open now to you alone. Lucifer, the mentor of the proud few, grants his students fragments of Truth throughout their lives, fragments which ultimately culminate into one grand picture. Kosmology is but a recording of the Truth granted to the author thus far in his life. Fusing Gnostic Theogony from antiquity and modern Theoretical Physics, as well as a number of sources of Classical Philosophical thought, Kosmology emerges with a new, coherent take on Luciferian Philosophy.
Kosmology is now available as a standalone edition for the first time since 2007.
Edition No Longer Available

Lanterns of Wisdom from the Firmament
Third Proselyte Edition
by Jeremy Christner
Lanterns...beacons of illumination in the Darkness, casting knowledge upon the ignorant. Each of the 27 chapters housed in Lanterns of Wisdom from the Firmament illustrates a unique sentiment, each Lantern revealing a unique face of Gnosis. At once beautiful and blasphemous, stacking meaning upon meaning, Lanterns is a fountain of eternal revelation; Lanterns is the holy scripture of a Luciferian's faith.
Edition No Longer Available